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Personal & Powerful: An Interview with Gold Soul

Gishan Akanga catches up with emerging rapper Gold Soul, to talk about his new single 'Children in Africa' and his upcoming EP 'Midas Touch'

They talk all things inspiration, what he hopes to bring to the table and more.


I was given the chance to briefly tap in with Gold Soul, an artist that is not new to the scene, but rather back from a prolonged hiatus. Returning with a fresh mindset and powerfully evocative lyrics, he is set to bring that dearly missed conscious and thought-provoking sound back.

GA: "Let's start with the question I'm sure a lot of people would want the answer to. Why did you take a hiatus from music, and what made you decide to come back?"

GS: I could play the blame game and say it was due to a lot of reasons. The fact I had my biggest blessings, my children. Or as a result of my unstable living situations a few years back, but the truth is I just lacked inspiration. I knew I had talent, but the energy was not there at that point in time. It's really only when the passing of my good friend Black The Ripper last April happened, that I told myself it's time. We used to go the studio and he would tell me "Come on man, I want to hear that music. They [the people] want to hear it." The thought of him being gone now and me still not producing any sort of content for the people to hear, was eating me up inside. I had to do something about it. So I got back to the drawing board, and got to work. I just started writing consistently and returning to all my lost files and before I knew it, I had a solid body of work for my upcoming EP. You can call it a sort of self reinvention. [chuckles]

GA: ”You mentioned having a solid body of work now - could you talk a little more on that for us?"

GS: Yeah, sure. I just recently released my single 'Children in Africa' which is available on all streaming platforms now! Believe it or not, the lyrics for that are a few years old. I'd say 7-8 years ago I began writing that, but the relevance it has to the world we are living in still, is crazy.

The track is very thought provoking, I just really wanted the listeners to hear what I'm saying. Hence the mellow beat, and me only releasing it as a lyric video. I want the listeners to become sponges, as they read the lyrics they're soaking it all up. As for the actual EP Midas Touch as a whole, it starts and ends with the meaning behind the name. The most famous king in Greek mythology, King Midas is widely known for his ability to turn everything he touched to gold. So with my EP, its got that golden touch. The high quality, gold content i was struggling to produce and achieve so badly back then, I have achieved now. That also ties into my name 'Gold Soul' - your soul is your highest inner self. My soul is golden, so my music is golden, it's only right I produce the best bodies of work I possibly can.

GA: ”In response to that, I would say that Midas Touch is going to be a very personal project then - with all this talk of your inner self, right?"

GS: Yes! I would one hundred percent say that. It's all about me laying myself bare for my listeners this time round, allowing myself the opportunity to become vulnerable. Granting people to see and hear a side of me I would usually otherwise not allow. I always say to myself that vulnerability permits authenticity, and authenticity depends on courageousness. Those are the elements Midas Touch are made up of.

GA: ”Thank you so much for sharing that all with us. Is there anything else you'd like your listeners to know?

GS: [chuckles] I think I'll let my music speak for me for now, I'm sure we'll run into each other again for some more questions.

Listen to Children in Africa on all digital streaming platforms below



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